
Thursday, December 16, 2010

Why I do this?

As I have been sitting here at the computer I have been contemplating a little about why I do these things:  Make survival bracelets, make survival keychains, talk and teach about survival to anyone who will listen, carry a BOB (bail out bag), read and study urban and wilderness survival, and many others.  I think the answer is that I have been sick with MS (multiple sclerosis) symptoms for atleast 12-13 years now.   I cannot control these symptoms or their severity. Yes, in the beginning the symptoms were not severe but the doctors could not pin down my symptoms to a specific reason.  Fast forward to now and I am disabled and sitting at home and about ready to take a nap just because it is the afternoon and I feel drained.  Personal prepardness is a way that I can prepare myself for any disaster that comes my way.  This disaster could be as simple as breaking down on the side of the road or as catastrophic as an earthquake.  I want to be prepared no matter what.  I can't predict what my mind and body will do day to day or even hour to hour but the preperation is the same.  Here is the Acronym.  S.T.O.P.A. (Means stop in Swedish)  Stop, think, observe, plan, act.  Follow it.  If your lost in the woods or just lost your job. 

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